Tournament Procedure:
Entry fee $30.00 per person Lunker $5.00 per person - Optional Schmekle $10.00 per boat - Optional
Guests may not compete for money or trophies, but may weigh-in their fish.
- Anglers should arrive at least 30 minutes before the scheduled start of an event. - Keep an eye out for the person with the clip-board/collecting the fees. Don’t make him come to you. - Non-boaters, find your boater, load your things, and then help launch your boater and others. Your Boaters will come back to shore for you before the event begins. - Junior members should hold ropes during launch and recovery, and return fish during weigh-in. - Boat # "Last" acts as the Starter Boat at each event. - Boat # 1 (both Boater and Non-Boater) works the scales and tank. This means taking them out, setting them up, doing the weigh-in, breaking it down and putting them away. - When you return to shore, bring your fish to the scales once they are set up. Take care of your boat after the weigh-in.
* Tournament Director supervises the event, and hears all protests or disputes. For matters not clearly addressed in the Tournament Regulations, Tournament Director presents the issue to the Tournament Committee for a decision prior to announcing the final results.
1st Bassmasters of Sullivan Co. NY. Chapter Tournament Regulations Revised 10/15/05
1. PRE- TOURNAMENT PRACTICE: All contestants must be off the water by 5:00 PM of the preceding day, unless otherwise specified. It is the responsibility of the contestant to know and observe these dates and times. A competitor may not have the assistance or advice of, nor enter the tournament waters with anyone who has been on the waters during the off-limits period, or a professional guide, State or Federal wildlife employee, or any other person deemed a local expert on these tournament waters by the Tournament Committee. A competitor may not "SKIN DIVE", "SCUBA DIVE", or use underwater cameras ON THE TOURNAMENT WATERS. NO MARKERS OR BOUYS may be set prior to the start of the tournament.
2. SAFETY: Safe boat conduct must be observed at all times by the tournament competitors. Each competitor is required to wear a Coast Guard approved chest-type life preserver. The preserver must be worn at any time the combustion engine is operating. The preserver must be snapped, strapped or zipped securely and maintained in that condition until the competitors reach their fishing location and the combustion engine is shut off. The preserver must be attached to the ignition kill-switch in RULE #7. VIOLATION OF THIS RULE DURING DESIGNATED PRACTICE OR TOURNAMENT TIME SHALL BE REASON FOR DISQUALIFICATION.
3. SPORTSMANSHIP: Competitors in the tournament will be expected to follow high standards of sportsmanship, courtesy, safety and conservation. Any infraction of these fundamental sporting principles may be deemed cause for disqualification. Use of alcohol or drugs (other than those purchased over the counter or prescribed by a licensed physician) by any competitor during the official practice or during the official tournament will not be tolerated and shall be cause for immediate disqualification for this and all future tournaments. Maximum courtesy must be practiced at all times, especially with regard to boating and angling in the vicinity of non-competitors who may be on the tournament waters. Any act of a competitor which reflects unfavorably upon 1st Bassmasters effort to promote fisheries conservation, clean waters and courtesy shall be reason for disqualification. No alcoholic beverages or other stimulants or depressants, prescription or otherwise, will be allowed in boats during the official practice or during the official tournament, or within restricted registration and weigh-in areas.
4. TACKLE AND EQUIPMENT: ONLY artificial lures may be used. NO "live bait" or "prepared bait" will be permitted, with the exception of pork rinds, strips, etc. Only ONE casting, spin-casting, or spinning rod (8 foot maximum length from butt of handle to rod tip) and reel may be used at any one time. All other types prohibited. Other rigs as specified above may be in the boat ready for use, however only ONE is permitted in use at any given time. All bass must be brought to the boat in a conventional and sporting manner. TROLLING IS PROHIBITED. Net landing fish IS permitted.
5. BASIC BOAT EQUIPMENT: Every boat must have all required Coast Guard safety equipment. In addition, it must have a functional bilge pump and LIVEWELL SPACE, PROPERLY AERATED, TO ADEQUATELY MAINTAIN ALIVE A LIMIT CATCH OF BASS BY BOTH ANGLERS USING THE BOAT. Tournament Committee shall have sole responsibility for determining whether aeration capacity is "proper and adequate".
6. BOAT AND MOTOR: For the safety of all contestants, ALL BOATS MUST BE EQUIPPED WITH SOME TYPE OF IGNITION KILL SWITCH. This ignition kill device must be attached to the driver's body at any time the combustion engine is operating and the device must disconnect and shut off the engine any time the operator leaves the operating position. VIOLATION OF THIS RULE DURING DESIGNATED PRACTICE OR TOURNAMENT TIME SHALL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION. Fishing boats may be used that are 14 feet or more in length. A small motor, gas or electric, may be used for slow maneuvering. It shall be at the discretion of the partners to agree on sharing boat operational expenses PRIOR to send-off.
7. HORSEPOWER REGULATIONS: MINIMUM HORSEPOWER FOR ALL OUTBOARD MOTORBOATS, USED IN COMPETITION, WILL BE 12 HP. MAXIMUM HORSEPOWER FOR ALL OUTBOARD MOTORBOATS, USED IN COMPETITION, WILL BE 300 HP, not to exceed the horse power limitations set by the U.S. Coast Guard. When required, each boat must have a U.S. Coast Guard horsepower rating plate attached to the boat by the manufacturer. The horsepower of the outboard engine must NOT exceed the rating specified on this rating plate or the 250 HP maximum set by 1st Bassmasters. Normal maintenance to increase the performance of your engine is allowed. Changing or altering standard factory parts of your motor to increase the horsepower rating is forbidden, and will result in disqualification. Falsifying information or altering the horsepower rating numbers on the motor, also would be cause for immediate disqualification from any future tournaments.
8. BOAT OPERATION AND EXPENSE: A full discussion MUST be held between the two partners PRIOR to morning departure on schedule and boat operations. This schedule must permit each partner equal time to fish from the front of the boat and each partner the opportunity to fish his/her selected waters an equal number of hours. The Non-boater shall be responsible for any damages incurred during his/her operation of the boat. In view of the large expense involved in operating and maintaining a tournament bass boat, the non-boater may assume the cost of gas and oil for the day, if he wishes to help offset some of the costs. in addition to any launch fees. If the tournament director has not been given 24 hour notice and the Non-boater fails to fish a tournament in which his/her name was drawn, he/she is still responsible for any launch fees.
9. PERMITTED FISHING LOCATIONS: Tournament waters shall be established by the Tournament Committee for each tournament. It is the responsibility of each competitor to obtain this information. Fishing on tournament waters is permitted anywhere except within a 25 yard radius of the launch, or a marina gas pump. All angling must be done from the boat. Competitors wishing to change fish habitat by placing an object in the tournament waters may do so if such action does not violate local, State or Federal Regulations. Fishing may not take place within 25 yards of another contestant's boat that was in position first.
10. COMPETITORS MUST STAY IN THE BOAT: Competitors must not leave the boat to land fish. Boats must remain in tournament waters during tournament hours. BOTH COMPETITORS MUST REMAIN IN BOAT AT ALL TIMES. EXCEPTION: In the case of a dire emergency (i.e. injury, illness, family matter) a competitor may be removed from their boat to that of another competitor, or to shore. If your partner must exit the tournament, the "sick" partner's catch will be credited to him/her at the weigh-in. The club will assume responsibility for that competitor's catch.
11. COMMUNICATION DEVICES: The use of communication devices should be avoided during official tournament hours except, in the case of an emergency, or to contact a tournament official. No telephone or digital communication between competing boats will be allowed. Such communication can result in disqualification at the discretion of the Tournament Committee.
12. SCORING: Final tournament standings, and auxiliary awards will be determined by the total weight of each Competitor's catch during the tournament. Only Black Bass, largemouth and smallmouth will be weighed. Limit shall be a total of 5 of the above species per day. The prevailing state statutes and regulations bind all competitors. At no time shall a competitor have reduced to possession more than the limits described above. VIOLATION OF THIS RULE SHALL BE REASON FOR DISQUALIFICATION. AT NO TIME WILL A COMPETITOR BE ALLOWED TO CULL A DEAD FISH DURING A TOURNAMENT. VIOLATION OF THIS RULE SHALL BE REASON FOR DISQUALIFICATION. The official length for the bass shall be 12 inches. Only bass described above which will measure the official length or more on the straight line WILL be weighed in. Fish will be measured with the mouth closed and tail fanned. A competitor may request a “Courtesy Measure” of a fish when the bag is brought to the weigh-master. The fish will be measured as described above on the Club’s “Golden Rule”. Only ONE fish per event can be checked in this manner. If the fish is “short” it will be released without penalty. If a competitor does not request the Courtesy Measure, all Bass presented for weigh-in WHICH FAIL TO MEASURE THE OFFICIAL LENGTH SHALL ACCRUE PENALTIES AT THE RATE OF ONE POUND FOR EACH SUCH BASS, and additionally, such bass WILL NOT BE WEIGHED as part of the contestant's catch. This penalty shall be deducted from the total weight of the competitor’s catch. If the competitor does not have any other fish, the 1lb penalty will be deducted from the angler’s total weight for the season. Any bass that appears to have been mangled, mashed, mauled or otherwise altered will be weighed and credited at the discretion of the Tournament Committee. Competitors may keep other species of fish in the live well only if they believe there is a possibility of a record fish, or if the fish qualifies for an ongoing tournament or contest. There are no "Trophy" exemptions.
13. DON'T KILL YOUR CATCH: Each competitor is expected to keep their bass alive by the use of a properly aerated live-well. FOR EACH DEAD BASS presented to the weigh-in officials, the competitors SHALL BE PENALIZED 4 OUNCES, TO BE DEDUCTED FROM THAT FISH. The Tournament Committee and their designated appointees shall have the sole authority for assessing penalties.
14. PAIRING OF CONTESTANTS: All contestants who wish to fish any given club tournament must be present at the meeting immediately prior to the tournament(s), or have notified the Tournament Director, Secretary, or President of his/her intention to fish. Two names will be drawn at the meeting prior to the tournament date(s) until all members are paired. Boater and non-boater names will be kept separate. First the Boater will be drawn, then the Non-Boater. The order in which the Boaters names are pulled, will be the starting order for the tournament. The first boat paired will act as weigh-masters for that tournament, and should exit the water before the rest of the competitors. The last boat drawn will act as Starter and timekeeper for that tournament.
15. START TIMES: Start times will be 6AM, 7AM, 6PM or 7PM depending on time of year. If all contestants are present at launch and ready to fish earlier than scheduled, the tournament can begin early at the discretion of the Tournament Director & Committee. The weigh-in time shall remain the same. All tournaments shall start on time. Any contestant who arrives late must find their partner and the Tournament Director before starting to fish.
16. PENALTIES: Contestants who fail to provide 24 hours notice of cancellation can be fined up to $25.00. Contestants who are not at the launch site fifteen (15) minutes after scheduled launch time will be disqualified. Contestants who are not at the official weigh-in area at the appointed time will be penalized at a rate of one (1) pound per minute, to be deducted from his/her total weight from that day. Anyone more than 15 minutes late will be disqualified, and lose all credit for that day's catch.
17. MECHANICAL FAILURE: Contestants who are late for or miss the weigh- in due to confirmed Mechanical Failure will be Penalized or Disqualified for that event only. Their catch will be weighed and both weight and points from that event WILL count towards the year end totals. DQ’d participants weighing in fish will be awarded points commensurate with the lightest weight for that event.
18. WEIGH-IN: All fish will remain in the boats until the contestant is called for weigh-in by the weigh-masters. Contestants shall be allowed at the scale or table for witnessing the weight and measure of his and the rest of the club's catch. Contestants will/may be required to sign off on his/her final weight on the weigh- in slip.
19. TIES: In case of a tie, Cash Awards will be pooled, then split. Trophies will be determined by largest fish.
20. CONTESTANT COURTESY: All contestants will be required to operate their boats so that no wakes occur within 100 feet of the launch area or weigh-in site in order to eliminate or minimize damage to boats that are docked or pulled up on shore. All lake regulations must me complied with by all contestants operating or handling a boat.
21. NUMBER OF TOURNAMENTS: There shall be at least 6 official chapter tournaments each season. Final standings will be based on total weight caught in all chapter events. NO TOURNAMENTS WILL BE "DROPPED". Tournaments will be scheduled for Saturdays or Sundays, with a minimum of 8 fishing hours per tournament. Tournaments may be extended at the discretion of the Tournament Committee.
22. OFFICIAL TOURNAMENT: A tournament that must be called off by the tournament committee for any reason, but is fished for at least 1/2 of the official time, shall be considered an official tournament. The Tournament Director may delay the start of, or cancel, any tournament he/she deems may endanger the safety of the contestants.
23. TROPHIES AND AWARDS: Each season the following trophies will be presented at the club's annual awards dinner. (Budget Permitting)
- Winner of Each Tournament Angler of the Year (highest total weight for the season) - Points Champion (highest accumulated points for the year) - Top Ranked Angler (highest points average per event fished – min. 3/4 of events fished) - 1st thru 5th runners-up in the Angler of the Year standings. - Most Improved Angler (based on total weight increase) - Rookie of the Year (highest total weight for the season with no prior club experience) - Non-Boater of the Year (highest total weight for the season) - Senior Angler of the Year (over age 50) - Junior Angler of the Year (under age 21) - Lunker Largemouth - Lunker Smallmouth
24. QUALIFICATION: To qualify for any of the Chapter Awards, a member must have participated in which ever is less in quantity, 50%, or a total of 6, scheduled Chapter Tournaments. (unless otherwise noted) For example: if there are 14 tournaments scheduled, a member will only have to fish 6 of them, not the 50% that would total 7.
25. GRIEVANCES/VIOLATIONS: Possible violations should be REPORTED IMMEDIATELY to the TOURNAMENT COMMITTEE at the weigh-in or WITHIN 15 MINUTES of the completed weigh-in. It is not necessary to submit a written report or protest. Each competitor agrees to report any violations or infractions of the tournament rules within the allotted time period. FAILURE TO REPORT VIOLATIONS or suggestions to violate these rules will be cause for DISQUALIFICATION. Failure to resolve the grievance or protest at the tournament will result in the matter being brought before the Board of Directors for resolution. Board of Directors rulings will be final in the matter of any protests or grievances.
These rules are in effect for designated practice day(s), as well as tournament day(s). Interpretation of these rules shall be left exclusively to the Tournament Committee. The "spirit of the rule" will apply in all decisions. The decisions of the Tournament Committee shall be final in all matters.